Effects of Climate Change to the House Market Trend Today

Effects of Climate Change to the House Market Trend Today

Climate change and natural catastrophes have made Americans more aware than ever before of the impact they might have on their houses. According to a realtor.com report: 

“More than three-quarters of recent buyers, or 78 percent, considered [natural catastrophes] when deciding where to build their houses…” 

According to the report, many current homeowners (34 percent) have already contemplated selling their homes and moving to a different place because of the shifting climate. If you’re one of those homeowners debating what to do next, here are some facts to consider as you start selling your current home and looking for a new one. 

To find a perfect home for you, consult a real estate advisor.

As a homeowner, you have little influence over the weather occurrences to which your property is subjected. CoreLogic’s Senior Leader of Research and Content Strategy, Maiclaire Bolton Smith, says: 

“You won’t be able to eliminate the site from your environment, but there are things you can do to lessen the potential damage.” 

They know how to approach your house sale and buy while keeping these difficulties in mind. While this may appear to be a painstaking task at first, you can make it easier with the right resources and specialists on your side. 

The Mortgage Reports offers some advice on buying a home, including but not limited to: 


  • Before you buy, do some research on your target area. 
  • Investigate Climate Action Plans to see whether your city or state has one. 
  • Working with specialists to get more information about the home’s potential to survive natural calamities. 
  • Ultimately, a competent real estate expert will be your finest resource throughout the process. 


An agent will assist you with the sale of your existing property and the needed disclosures, serve as your professional counsel on local guidelines and information, and keep your objectives and concerns in mind. 

Even if your adviser doesn’t know the answers to all of your worries concerning how your new house would fare in the event of a natural disaster, they can assist you in finding specialists and resources that do.

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